Sunday, January 17, 2010



Unveil Your Femininity

Hormones make up the endocrine (hormonal) system and are responsible for the development, growth, metabolism and reproductive functions throughout a woman’s life. Physiological changes are often caused by hormonal upheavals during the critical phases of puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause to address the different needs of the body, thus affecting the quality of life.

In Chinese medicine, the kidney, liver, endocrine and reproductive systems are interconnected and nourishing these systems in a holistic combination of herbs can help improve overall health and vitality while alleviating specific physiological symptoms or discomforts.

LD-Esteem is formulated using a time-tested herbal formulation with top grade Chinese herbs like Nu Zhen Zi, Wang Bu Liu Xing, Huang Qi, Gan Cao and honey that help to invigorate blood, nourish the ‘yin’ energy and assist to nourish the upper chest area.

LD-Esteem is conveniently bottled in miniature vials for consumption and does not require preparation or boiling. It is also certified halal and does not contain hormones, chemicals or artificial ingredients.

Available in 20 bottles in a box


Win IG6 Colostrum is collected within the first 6 hours upon the birth of the calf. It is the only true colostrum that offers maximum strength. This all-natural food is 100% pure and 100% organic, offering the highest source of immunoglobulin which is highly beneficial to our bodies. Win IG6 Colostrum provides a perfect balance of both Immune and Growth Factors, necessary to activate more than 50 processes in the body, ranging from immunity to regeneration and growth of all cell types.

Available in 60 and 120 capsules


The Fountain of Male Vitality

Since ancient times, the Chinese have used herbs to nourish the body, strengthen the ‘chi’ energy and balance the entire body system for optimal health. This holistic approach is preventative in nature and endears itself to modern men’s health concerns since the onset of a disease or illness if often a combination of many factors, including bad lifestyle habits, improper diet and living in an increasingly unfavourable environment.

Palace Prime is a unique, alcohol-free herbal tonic that is derived from ancient imperial wisdom dating back some 500 years. Harvested from Mount Changbaishan in China, 8 precious herbal ingredients including Pilose Antler, Ciwujia, Morinda Root and Desert Living Cistanche are used in an exclusive formulation highly concentrated for maximum potency and effectiveness to enhance energy levels, strengthen the body, reinforce male vitality and promote general health.

Palace Prime is conveniently bottled in miniature vials for consumption and does not require preparation or boiling. It is also certified halal and does not contain alcohol, steroids, erectogenic agents or artificial colouring.

Available in (10ml x 20 bottles)
Members' Price : $103.00 Non-member : $124.00


Beauty from the Inside Out

Hormones make up the endocrine (hormonal) system and are responsible for the development, growth, metabolism and reproductive functions throughout a woman’s life. Physiological changes are often caused by hormonal upheavals during the critical phases of puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and menopause to address the different needs of the body, thus affecting the quality of life.

In Chinese medicine, the kidney, liver, endocrine and reproductive systems are interconnected and nourishing these systems in a holistic combination of herbs can help improve overall health and vitality while alleviating specific physiological symptoms or discomforts.

LD-Venus Gold is formulated using a time-tested herbal formulation with top grade Chinese herbs like Dang Gui, Dang Shen, Dan Shen, Bai jiang Cao, Yi Mu Cao and huang Qi to help regulate menses, enrich the blood, assist in recovery after childbirth and may offer relief for menopausal women.

LD-Venus Gold is conveniently bottled in miniature vials for consumption and does not require preparation or boiling. It is also certified halal and does not contain hormones, chemicals or artificial ingredients.

** Expectant mothers and women who are having their menses are advised to stop consuming LD~VENUS GOLD. Advisable to start taking only 2-3 days after the end of each menses.

Available in 20 bottles (1 box)
Members' Price : $81.90 Non-member : $95.00


Your Solution to Lifelong Weight Management

Skipping meals, starvation, extreme exercises – sound familiar?

As most dieting methods emphasise on very low calorie intake and rapid weight loss, they often depress our metabolic rate and cause extreme water, muscle loss, fatigue and health problems, to boot! Worse, the weight often rebounds later on. With Dr Diet’s moderately low-calorie weight management programme, you can now lose, maintain or gain weight in a healthy, flexible and safe way. It is designed to break down fat through mild ketosis while maintaining the metabolic rate, thus weight loss is not caused by loss of water or lean muscles and weight rebound will not be experienced.

One of the greatest advantages about Dr Diet is its flexibility. With Dr Diet, you can still consume at least 1 normal meal daily, so there’s no need to starve, endure food cravings or forgo all lunch or dinner appointments. Dr Diet also maintains you in the peak of health and energy as it is formulated based on the Asian Food Guide Recommendation and contains many essential vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre.

The efficacy of Dr Diet is such that a clinical study by Johns Hopkins University of Medicine showed that men lost an average of 30kg and ladies 21kg over a 16-week period. This formula is also used in major hospitals, recommended by over 15,000 physicians in US and used by over a million consumers.

Available in Swiss mocha or vanilla flavour (21 sachets per box)
Members' Price : $173.50 Non-member : $192.00 (21 sachets - vanilla)

Members' Price : $173.50 Non-member : $192.00 (21 sachets - Swiss mocha)


DK-Join is a natural and stomach-friendly dietary supplement/functional food that helps relieve minor joint pains and protects delicate joint tissues from wear and tear. It also promotes joint and overall health. DK – Join has been proven to be 60% more effective than glucosamine. It also holds more than 200 patents worldwide.

DK-Join is an ideal supplement for adults.

Recommended Consumption
Adults : 10 tablets, twice daily. Once in the morning and once in the evening, with or without food.

Available in 120 and 360 tablets
Members' Price : $41.00 Non-member : $47.00 (120 tablets)

Members' Price : $104.00 Non-member : $119.00 (360 tablets)


Unleash Your Inner Potential

According to Dr. Shingoro Matsuura, 60% of the DNA is inherited while 40% is influenced by lifestyle or external environmental factors. Through 30 years of biotechnology research, Dr. Shingoro Matsuura developed a broad-spectrum enzyme catalyst from over 50 types of fruits and vegetables fermented for more than 1000 days (of 3½ years) to release the inherent potential in humans.

Dr-Xeniji does not just contain micro-fine nutrients and enzymes, but also enzyme co-factors and co-enzymes that boost the activity of all the enzymes working in our bodies to enhance metabolism which controls growth and development as well as improve energy levels, digestion, cellular repair and immunity.

The complete fermentation period over 1000 days ensures that the nutrients are completely broken down to resemble the process of digestion and absorption in the body. Clinical studies have been conducted using Dr-Xeniji in collaboration with several hospitals show that consumption can promote healthy growth and development, increase immunity, delay premature ageing and reduce free radical activity and abnormal growth of cells by stimulating enzyme and antioxidant activity in organs.

As Dr-Xeniji is specially developed for pregnant women, it is suitable and completely safe for anyone, including pregnant mothers, babies, the elderly and the infirm.

Available in 6, 15 sachets and 145g jar
Members' Price : $51.50 Non-member : $62.00 (6 sachets)

Members' Price : $114.50 Non-member : $133.00 (15 sachets)

Members' Price : $313.00 Non-member : $376.00 (145g jar)


Win IG6 Colostrum is collected within the first 6 hours upon the birth of the calf. It is the only true colostrum that offers maximum strength. This all-natural food is 100% pure and 100% organic, offering the highest source of immunoglobulin which is highly beneficial to our bodies. Win IG6 Colostrum provides a perfect balance of both Immune and Growth Factors, necessary to activate more than 50 processes in the body, ranging from immunity to regeneration and growth of all cell types.

Available in 60 and 120 capsules
Members' Price : $50.00 Non-member : $60.00 (60 capsules)

Members' Price : $97.00 Non-member : $112.00 (120 capsules)


The ‘NO’ Way to Health

In 1998, Dr Ferid Murad, in collaboration with some scientists, was awarded a Nobel Prize for their discovery that the presence of NO in the body signalled blood vessels to relax and widen, thus lowering blood pressure and promoting cardiovascular health.

LIVEXtra is a special formulation for cardiovascular health developed in consultation with Nobel Laureate Dr Ferid Murad for cardiovascular health. It contains an exclusive proprietary blend of:

* Free form of Pharmaceutical Grade Amino Acid (L-Arginine) that is extremely effective in producing Nitric Oxide (NO) to enhance blood flow and help keep blood vessels elastic

* Patented Probiotic CoQ10 that has 20 times higher antioxidant properties and is retained 68% longer in the body than ordinary CoQ10

* Synergistic nutrients that work with NO for heart health like folic acid, metafolin, vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin E and beta carotene

LIVEXtra is specially formulated for the health of:

1. Blood vessels

- LIVEXtra provides the crucial fuel for the production of Nitric Oxide (NO), one of the most potent vessel relaxant that helps make blood vessels flexible and elastic so that pressure build-up is minimised.

2. Heart

- LIVEXtra can help enhance cellular energy and activities, and protects it against free radical damage

3. Blood

- With LIVEXtra, the lipids, cholesterol and homocysteine in the blood that cause blood thickening can be reduced or minimised. LiveXtra also acts as a powerful antioxidant to reduce free radicals damage to the blood vessels.

LIVEXtra - Formulated based on Nobel-Winning Discovery
An amino acid beverage based on Nobel Prize Winning science. LIVEXtra contain 5g pharmaceutical grade of L-Arginine per serving, with more than 50 years research & more than 10,000 scientific studies to human's health. Besides L-Arginine, LiveXtra also contains Probiotic Co Q-10, Folic Acid, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin E, which make LiveXtra unique from others.

World's First Proprietary Blend For Cardio-Cerebrovascular Health
L-Arginine [Pharmaceutical (Purest) Grade] plays an important role in cell division, the healing of wounds, removing ammonia from the body, immune function, and the release of hormones. The body uses arginine to produce nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels.

For this reason, it has been used to treat cardiovascular disorders such as heart failure, intermittent claudication, impotence, female sexual dysfunction, and interstitial cystitis.

Probiotic Co-enzyme Q-10 (CoQ10) [Patent 6,867,024 & 6,806,069] in LIVEXtra is a powerful antioxidant (20 times more antioxidant activity). It promotes cellular energy and retain 3 times longer in body.

Folic acid, Vitamin B6 & B12 are special formulized to control blood levels of Homocysteine, and prevent damage to blood vessels.

Folic acid & Metafolin [Patent 5,997,915 & 6,254,904] also helps to reduce the risk of hypertension by lowering blood pressure.

Vitamin E & Beta-Carotene helps prevent or delay coronary heart disease by limiting by the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol.

Nitric Oxide (NO):

What is NO?

NO is a hazardous air pollutant outside the body, but within our body it is vital for good health. Nitric Oxide is released within the endothelium (inner lining) of blood vessels to signal the surrounding smooth muscle to relax, thus dilating the artery and increasing blood flow.

A. LIVEXtra è Nitric Oxide Synthase è Nitric Oxide (NO)

B. Within our body Nitric Oxide is vital for good health!

- Colorless, Odorless gas produced by the body

- Fundamental to increase blood flow to heart

C. NO is released within the blood vessels [Endothelium Cells]

D. Roles of NO:

1. Acts as messenger for cells

2. Initiates erection of the penis

3. Keep arteries flexible

4. Reverses arterial plaque & suppresses atherosclerosis

LIVEXtra is the drink for healthier heart.

- Free form of L-Arginine

- Low glycemic index

- Safe & effective

- Natural source


Keeps blood vessels pliable and elastic

Promotes good blood flow

Keeps heart energetic

Helps reduce blood thickening

Helps maintain blood pressure at optimal levels

Helps to reduce incidences of blood clots

Improves kidney functions

Instant energy boost (Enhances alertness & clearer thinking ability)

Some Benefits of an improved blood circulation

Cerebrovascular Health

Vital for normal blood pressure

Vital for normal cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Harmonious Relationship

NO can correct up to 90% of all penile dysfunction

may reverse impotency

"Without NO, there could be no natural erections"

"The Natural Viagra"

Dr Arther Burnett, John Hopkins Urologist

Brain Health

Crucial for memory function

More alert

Clearer thinking ability

Overall health & beauty

Increase nutrients distribution to the entire body system

Enhances cell rejuvenation

Slows aging process by increasing secretion and circulation of endogenous hormones e.g. Human Growth Hormone

Helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines

International Certifications

Halal - certified by the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA)

- This certificate has worldwide acceptance

- It certifies the product, ingredients preparation, processing, hygiene and sanitation procedures as Halal

GMP - complies with effective steps to ensure that products are safe, genuine and effective

- The GMP certificate certifies that processing methods to reduce cause of contamination, mix-ups and errors are performed

- It protects consumers from buying a defective and unsafe product

TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) - quality assurance

- Complies with GMP principles

- Ensures the quality, safety and efficacy of the medicines

Recommended Consumption
Best To Take:
Morning: 1/2 - 1 hour before breakfast
Night: 2 - 4 hours after dinner

Adults: 1 to 2 sachet(s) a day with 150ml of cool water or your favorite beverage on an empty stomach.
An Empty stomach is essential for effective production of NO.

Available in 6 and 15 sachets
Members' Price : $48.30 Non-member : $58.00 (6 sachets)

Members' Price : $110.50 Non-member : $126.00 (15 sachets)


Win O'Taka Enzyme is a product originally from Hokkaido, Japan, 70 years in history of trusted tradition recipe. It is an all-natural enzyme drink extracted from more than 50 kinds of organically-grown vegetables and fruits, seaweed, herbs and mushrooms. It is rich in enzymes, vitamins, minerals, fibre and botanical goodness to enhance digestion and nutrient absorption.

Taking Win O’Taka Enzyme can ensure that we optimise the nutritional value of the food that we consume. In fact, Win O’Taka Enzyme is essential for people who desire good health and vitality. It is also extremely effective for people who have:

* Weak digestive systems
* No appetite
* Problems with fatigue
* Poor immune system
* Poor blood circulation
* Poor kidney functions
* Shoulder aches
* Lethargy of listlessness
* Skin diseases
* Illnesses or are convalescing from serious illness

Recommended Consumption

Adult: 60cc everyday.
Take before meal – help to reduce weight
Take after meal – improve appetite and aids digestion

Available in 720ml
Members' Price : $155.50 Non-member : $177.00

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