Sunday, January 17, 2010



Nourish your gut with 6 billion Probiotics daily!

ProByo is the world's only Probiotics with Patented Lipid Microencapsulation that is Heat Resistant Up to 50 degree celsius.

• Contains 6 billion probiotics made of 5 different strains
• Proven in over 80 clinical studies
• Reform & build up the small soldiers in your gut
• Combat bad bacteria


Harvest the remedial benefits of traditional tonics which have been known for centuries to promote healthy mind and body. Win Tea is a natural herbal drink that is specially extracted and blended by expert herbalists. This unique formulation encompasses high-quality herbs, including Gaerin Nelumbo Nucifera, Acanthopanax Gracilitylus, Cassia Augustifolia and Diospyros Kaki. To the four special ingredients in Win Tea is also added Green Tea, which is widely known as a health drink as it retards free radicals from creating more damage to our body.

Drinking Win Tea enables thorough detoxification by cleansing our intestines and colon of toxins and wastes in our system while effectively removing accumulated fat. It also aids in slimming as it slows down the absorption rate and reduces the amount of carbohydrates absorbed without putting the body at risk of malnutrition. Besides, the high concentration of polyphenols and antioxidants in Win Tea is able to revitalise the skin and face by obstructing the effects caused by free radicals and thus delaying premature ageing to keep us looking young and healthy.

Available in 40 teabags


Under the hectic modern lifestyle, our health is often compromised due to consumption of unhealthy food. Undigested food turns into waste matter, which in turn accumulates and adheres to the intestinal walls. As a result, it will interfere with the absorption of nutrients by our body.

Fujita Lactose-S is a 100% natural health supplement to help in maintaining clean and healthy intestines. It contains 1 billion friendly bifidus bacteria as well as other types of good bacteria to maintain an ideal acidic environment for retarding the proliferation of bad bacteria. The lactose content also helps increase the balance of good bacteria in the intestines to a healthy level. Furthermore, its fermentation will release carbonic acid gas to gently enlarge intestinal walls and stimulate peristaltic movements, thus helping to expel stubborn waste from the intestines.

Fujita Lactose-S is also symbiotic. In other words, it contains both prebiotics and probiotics, thus helping to promote good intestinal flora and better intestinal health. Besides, it contains dietary fibre, oat extract and vitamin C and it is an effective slimming aid.

Available in orange and yogurt
Members' Price : $36.80 Non-member : $45.00 (3 packs - orange)

Members' Price : $66.20 Non-member : $79.00 (6 packs - orange)

Members' Price : $104.50 Non-member : $124.00 (10 packs - orange)

Members' Price : $66.20 Non-member : $79.00 (6 packs - yogurt)

Members' Price : $104.50 Non-member : $124.00 (10 packs - yogurt)

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